Faculty Resources
- HIPAA Training- (required) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Select the correct training:
HIPAA & Privacy: General Awareness for most students
HIPAA for Researchers for those doing research projects - Confidentiality Statement (required)
- BBP – (required) Bloodborne Pathogen Training -visit the myTraining website (Links to an external site.) : http://mytraining.hr.ufl.edu/). It’s recommended that you use Internet Explorer or Safari. In myTraining, search for UF_EHS850G_OLT training for BBP compliance.
Immunization Requirements:
All students are required to be in compliance with both the UF immunization policy and the PHHP Immunization policy (including verification of the influenza vaccination).Additional information can be found at the Student Health Care Center website: http://shcc.ufl.edu/. - Public Relations Student Release
- Letter of Recommendation Release
- Canvas/e-Learning student Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Academic Resources:
- Grievance Procedures:
UF Graduate School Student Handbook
UF Regulations
Dean of Students Office - Academic Freedom and Responsibility
- Graduate School and Graduate Student Handbook
Information/Technology Resources:
- UF IT Training Tutorials and Workshops
- Computer Labs
- UF IT Service Catalog
- Health Science Center Libraries
- UF Health Information Technology Training
- Computing Help Desk
- HelpDesk Tutorials
- Desktop Application Support Center
PHHP Links:
HSC/UF Links:
- HSC/Communicore Building Maps
- HSC UF Health Training/Room Maps
- Emergency Preparedness
- Gatorlink
- HSC News & Communications
- HSC SSN Privacy
- myUFL
- UF GatorConnect
- UF Computer Networking Services
- UF Health Shands Building Maps
- UF&Shands Parking
- UF Visitors/Travel
- UF Webmail
Finance & Funding:
External Links and Resources:
- AcademyHealth
- ACHE-American College of Healthcare Executives
- AUPHA-Association of University Programs in Health Administration
- CAHME-Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education
- HFMA-Healthcare Financial Management Association
- HIMSS-Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
- LinkedIn-Professional Networking Site
- MGMA-Medical Group Management Association
- NCHL-National Center for Healthcare Leadership
- Health Career Connection
- LibGuides – Health Services Research, Public Health, Peter McKay’s Business Library